Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII launch trailer

Square Enix released a launch trailer marking the release of their long awaited spin off action role playing game Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII which is available now on Xbox 360 and PS3.
Square Enix released a launch trailer marking the release of their long awaited spin off action role playing game Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII which is available now on Xbox 360 and PS3.
Square Enix released a handful of screenshots showing off their soon to be released action role playing game, Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII. The game will be available for the PS3 and Xbox 360 with digital downloads being available as well from February 11th 2014.
Square Enix has today released a narrated video which looks at the more action orientated features in the forthcoming Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII. For information about the game, head on over to the official website.
Square Enix released some new Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII screenshots and we’ve added them alongside all the others released which can be viewed in our gallery. For more information about the game, take a look at the official website.
Square Enix released a new opening cinematic trailer for their forthcoming Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII which sets the tone for the game that releases on Xbox 360 and PS3 in February next year.
Square Enix released a new TGS 2013 trailer for their forthcoming and highly publicized Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII.
Square Enix released a new Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII trailer entitled, ‘The Savior’s Choice’ for Gamescom 2013. Also check out some fresh new screenshots in our gallery.
Namco Bandai posted a new Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII The Divine Task cinematic trailer to whet the appetite for the forthcoming role playing adventure.
Square released this video which shows off lead character Lightning donning the famous outfit that hero of Final Fantasy VII Cloud Strife wore throughout the adventure.Gamers can relive the moments in the upcoming Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII.
Square Enix posted some demo gameplay footage from their Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII E3 2013 demo. Take a look at the newly revealed area.