Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U Edition – Tekken Ball mode video

Namco Bandai released a new trailer for the Wii U Edition of its Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and the typically Nintendo Tekken Ball mode. The game releases on November 30th.
Namco Bandai released a new trailer for the Wii U Edition of its Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and the typically Nintendo Tekken Ball mode. The game releases on November 30th.
Warner Bros. released a new trailer for their superhero fighting game, Injustice: Gods Among Us. The trailer showcases the character Green Arrow. You can also check out some Green Arrow screenshots.
The cool guys over at Capcom Unity posted a new video which takesĀ a look at the gameplay of their just released Marvel Vs Capcom Origins. It’s available now via XBLA or PSN and contains a quick demo before you commit to remind you how cool these classic fighters are.