Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Reveal (4K)

Italian website has reported that something will be happening today from a major expected release at 7pm CET (that’s 6pm BST for those in the UK) 1PM New York (east coast) and 10AM Pacific (PST). This is after CD Projekt Red posted this mysterious data transmission stream via Twitch.

Cyberpunk 2077 Details & Impressions

With the revelation that CD Projekt Red’s upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 will be a first person role playing game, there is tons to be excited for and to speculate. However, some more details have emerged from the first gameplay that has been shown behind closed doors. We speculate some more obvious

Cyberpunk 2077 teaser trailer

CD Projekt Red released a new teaser CGI trailer for their new project Cyberpunk 2077 which sets the tone nicely, Check it out and be enthralled at the artistic direction but don’t be too put off by the statement at the end of the video. “The teaser shows how the

CD Projekt RED announces final name for new RPG

CD Projekt RED has today officially announced the title of its new role-playing game which has been hinted at for quite some time. The game which is due out next year is entitled “Cyberpunk 2077”  and will be set in the world created by Mike Pondsmith, one of the fathers