Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 Free Weekender starts now

Gamers looking to sample Gearbox’s colourful first person shooter Borderlands 2 can now jump in for FREE with the game being heavily discounted until the 25th of August (up to 75% off), that’s unless you complete it between now and then. This is a good way to experience the full

Borderlands 2 shifts 5M units to retailers

2K Games and Gearbox are today proud to announce that their sequel to their sci fi steampunk style open world FPS Borderlands 2 has sold over 5 million units to retailers since launching this September. “We’re thrilled with the momentum of Borderlands 2 and it’s really a testament to all

Borderlands 2 review

Few games come along that elicit as much notable praise and loyal dedication as the original Borderlands did. Fewer still spawn solid sequels that take what the initial outings achieved and improve on them even more, becoming something entirely more special in their own right. Fortunately, Borderlands 2 is one

Borderlands 2 tops UK charts

The latest all formats software sales charts in the UK reveal that 2K Games’ Borderlands 2 is doing well and leading the pack in pole position. Hot on its heels is Codemasters F1 2012. CHARTTRACK WEEKLY CHARTS All formats Week ending 22 September 2012 POS.      TITLE      PUBLISHER   

Borderlands 2 – Mount Jackmore trailer

2K Games and Gearbox Software have launched ‘Mount Jackmore’, which is a new interactive online game where players can win some prizes including the Limited Edition Loot Lockers. Take a look at the trailer. Handsome Jack, the ultimate villain of Gearbox Software’s upcoming release, Borderlands 2, has kicked his arrogance