Assassin’s Creed Unity leaked

Kotaku has the scoop on what looks like a new and inevitable Assassin’s Creed game from Ubisoft which suggests the game will be set within 18th century Paris and will appear on Xbox One, PC and PS4 under the code name of Assassin’s Creed Unity. What’s more, another game is

Snowdrop Game Engine developer video

Ubisoft released a new video which looks at their Snowdrop game Engine which will be used for next generation gaming. Gamers looking forwards to The Division which uses the engine will no doubt be chomping at the bit after seeing this.

Sony reveals Project Morpheus VR headset for PS4

As speculated, Sony has revealed its very own head mounted virtual reality headset entitled Project Morpheus at the Games Developer Conference in San Francisco which runs this week. The headset which is three years in the making is said to be affordable and will be available for use with the

Full list of ID@Xbox Games coming soon

Microsoft has revealed the list of indie games coming to the Xbox platform as part of its ID@Xbox program which supports indie developers using the Xbox platform and helps gets their games in the hands of gamers. Some 250 developers have received dev kits from Microsoft and with the arrival

Mario Happy Meal at McDonalds in UK

As part of a promotion in the UK, fast food giant McDonald’s has teamed up with Nintendo with a Mario inspired happy meal that aims to get those eating them active. The happy meal packaging contains various challenges which involve expending energy and are a good way to get youngsters

Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z launch trailer

Tecmo Koei released a launch trailer for their action packed ninja game, Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z which hits stores in North America from today. The game will launch in Europe on March 21, 2014 for the PlayStation 3, PC and Xbox 360.  

Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes launch trailer

Konami released a launch trailer for its controversial Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes which releases this week on last and next gen systems. The game has come under fire for its length and pricing which has been defended by series creator Hideo Kojima. With the game hitting stores in the

Deus Ex: The Fall PC Launch Trailer

Square Enix  released a launch trailer for their now available on PC Deus Ex: The Fall which has been given a new lease of life after making its debut on mobile platforms. The game features mouse, controller support as well as its own set of achievements. For more information, head on

Child of Light – Making of Video part 1

Ubisoft has today released a new Child of Light video which takes a look at how the game world has been created. Aurora’s journey takes place in the soft, colourful and magical universe of Lemuria, part one of a three part video series looks at how it has been designed and