Cyberpunk 2077 Sales Data Reveals 13.7 million sold

CDPR has revealed that Cyberpunk 2077 sold through to retailers 13.7 million units by the end of 2020. That is pretty impressive for a new IP, but undoubtedly aided by the pre-release hype the game had. Breaking down the numbers further:

  • 56% or 7.67 million copies were sold on PC
  • 28% or 3.84 million copies were sold on PS4
  • 17% or 2.33 million copies were sold on Xbox One

It is also suggested that 73% (10 million) of the sales were digital. With some 30,000 – 40K refunds given.

Worldwide Sales:

  • 37.8% North America
  • 33.8% Europe
  • 20.2$ Asia
  • 3.1% Australia
  • 3.6% South America
  • 0.4% Africa

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