
ELEX – Gameplay Trailer – Outlaws Faction

The desert of Tavar – hot, dusty and lethal. After the territorial wars ended, this godforsaken pit was the last thing anyone wanted to call home. But due to the lack of choice, the destitute survivors and outcasts took shelter and slowly regrouped, becoming a unique and dangerous faction: The

Call of Duty: WWII – Story Trailer

Call of Duty: WWII tells the story of Private Ronald “Red” Daniels, a young recruit in the U.S. First Infantry Division who experiences combat for the first time on D-Day, one of the largest amphibious assaults in history. After surviving the beaches of Normandy, Red and his squad will fight

City of Brass – Early Access Launch Trailer

Uppercut Games has today announced that City of Brass has just been released on Steam via Early Access, so take a look at the launch trailer. It has been developed by ex members of Irrational Games who are well known for their Bioshock series. It’s yours via Steam at an

High Hell – Reveal Trailer

Descend upon the criminal underground with an absurdly large gun and bring lethal salvation to those that have fallen from the light in Devolver Digital’s High Hell. Righteous fury and fancy footwork are crucial to survive an escalating, absurd series of outlandish missions. Pop brainwashed chimps, deface corporate effigies, and