No Man’s Sky – Portal Gameplay Trailer

Hello Games released a new No Man’s Sky gameplay trailer during The Video Game Awards last night which showcases more of the open universe exploration game in action. Whilst the game does look mighty impressive in the visuals department, it’s still unclear what the gameplay will ultimately be like. With

The Game Awards 2014 Nominations and Winners

The Game Awards 2014 kicked off last night with a number of awards to top games as voted by the judges panel and gamers. We’ve listed all the categories with their nominations alongside the overall winner in each. It was a good night for Bungie’s Destiny scooping two awards for

Street Fighter V Teaser Trailer

Capcom are all set to officially unveil Street Fighter V for PS4 and PC platforms although sadly Xbox gamers are going to be left out this time round, however, it’s likely the exclusivity will be timed, so there’s some  hope. The leaked trailer shows off snippets of gameplay amongst some

Dead Island: Epidemic – Open Beta Trailer

Deep Silver/Stunlock Studios has just released a new Dead Island: Epidemic trailer to mark the start of the open Beta where players can sample the game’s co-op player versus AI mode. The Beta is available free to PC users via Steam and offers a mix of top down zombie filled

Playstation Experience Twitch Live stream schedule

Sony has just released some details of the Playstation Experience Twitch live streaming that will coincide with the Las Vegas event which kicks-off tomorrow. There’s a lot to get through and no doubt some pleasant surprises, so be sure to stay tuned. Events begin at 10am PST which is 6pm

Resident Evil Remastered – The Doors video

Ahead of the enhanced version of Resident Evil from Capcom, they released a new video which takes a look at the iconic door animations all 267 of them to be precise. In addition they released some PC gameplay footage showing off the game’s 60 frames per second operation. The remastered

The Old City: Leviathan Launch Trailer

Postmod has released a new launch trailer for their first person adventure game The Old City: Leviathan which takes players on a surreal journey using unique story telling and exploration elements. The game can be purchased via Steam from today after its release date slipped from the 1st of December.