Pool Nation

Xbox Games With Gold June 2015

The Major has just revealed the June 2015 Games With Gold line-up for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One for Xbox Live Gold members. Gamers can download Massive Chalice ($19.99 ERP) for free starting June 1st with Pool Nation FX being offered for an additional month. On Xbox 360, starting

Pool Nation tips videos

Pool Nation offers gamers the chance to hit balls into the pocket with its realistic visuals and game physics. However, Mastertronic released a couple of videos to help you on your way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhHANzIIiWI

Pool Nation screenshots

Cherry Pop Games’ Pool Nation just hit the Xbox Live Arcade and is yours for 800 MSP. There’s a trial version to check out but also some Pool Nation screenshots to feast your eyes on. [nggallery id=8]