Andy Buckdawg

LEGO Lord of the Rings review

By combining the success and appeal of Triple A movie franchises with the character and charm of Lego, mixing it up with a touch of humour and throwing in a dash of addictive playability, Traveller’s Tales have crafted a strong core of games since this generation came into fruition, so

Midway Arcade Origins review

Call it nostalgia. Call it curiosity. Call it respect to what got us where we are today. Call it what you will, but I’m a big fan of these old school collections, offering gamers of today the chance to play the classics of yesteryear. I was swept over with the

Zone of the Enders HD review

In what is fast becoming a staple of this HD gaming generation, in and of itself a curious ode to generations past, comes another revamped collection to hit the shelves. This time, Zone of Enders comes along to rekindle fond memories of Kojima’s OTHER series, and presents the first two

Medal Of Honor Warfighter review

I really wanted to like Medal of Honor Warfighter. I really did. Although the act of rebooting the franchise in the light of today’s modern day military takeover was little more than band wagon jumping, I applauded the move and was eager to play 2010’s initial outing. Which subsequently I

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes review

With the Sherlock Holmes name, developers Frogwares have crafted a series that has proven quite popular over the last few years. The Testament of Sherlock Holmes in their latest title, the seventh overall, and second on home consoles. I had the chance to review the first console outing a couple