SteamVR Performance Test GTX 980 Ti/i5 3570K

Gamers can now test their systems using the rather neat SteamVR performance test which you can download via Steam to see if your PC is VR ready. The test pushes your GPU/CPU running a scene and gives you a colour coded evaluation at the end. We ran the test using our i5 3570K CPU, GTX 980 Ti GPU, 16 GB Ram, Win 10 64 Bit OS with favourable results maintaining a 10.8/11 fidelity rating and green across the board.

Download test from here:

Written by: Rob Cram

Rob Cram has hundreds of video game reviews, thousands of articles under his belt with years of experience in gaming and tech. He aims to remain fair and free from publisher/developer influence. With his extensive knowledge, feels his gaming opinions are valid and worth sharing. Agreement with his views are entirely optional. He might have a bias towards cyberpunk.