City Interactive released their beta of Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 and after some extensive play it’s quite clear this is perhaps the best in the series thanks to a more open world sandbox approach. The previous game whilst offering some intense sniping moments was a much more linear and scripted affair and as a result just felt a little too forced.
So, Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 proves that City Interactive has listened to criticisms and made changes to the core gameplay for the better. Messing around with the beta and it’s obvious the sandbox RPG elements are a much more robust way of playing giving players a greater more involving experience. The hub cave provides a wealth of customization options and home for all of the scavenging that’s done during missions allowing you to craft some much needed gear, upgrade weapons and tinker until your heart’s content. The fact you’re free to even choose what time of day to embark on each mission is a massive plus as day and night missions can play out quite differently. The Jury’s still out on the enemy AI though which most certainly is improved from the previous game but their actions are still a little questionable at times. That said, the option to sneak around and interrogate unaware foes is a neat touch.
The two missions included in the Beta offer quite different objectives with the first “Blackout” allowing for multiple ways to tackle it. There’s options to take out the main target from an opposing building but also the chance to sneak around the back and grab him up close and personal which is obviously a much tougher option with all the patrolling guards near your entry points. Cleverly, you’re also able to take out as few guards as possible which makes replay value quite high here if you’re a purist looking to ghost levels – but that’s also if a replay mission option becomes a choice in the main game. There’s a great feeling to be had being able to sneak around, shoot the target without alerting his buddies and then casually leave the mission area without any fuss. If this aspect carries through to the other missions in the full game as well then it’s a great hook.
The second mission “Cut Off” felt more like a throwback to the previous game where there’s an option to sneak around but go full on against scripted enemies who are drafted in once a specific point in the mission is reached. It’s a more open area to explore alongside set locations that need to be reached. Still, both missions have their plus points and whilst the time limit imposed kind of ruins the methodical sneaking element a little, it does show that there’s some mission variety at least and it’s not all about sitting in one location and sniping away.
Based on the two missions available, the neat way in which the sniping is handled (with consideration to distance from target, wind speed and bullet drop) and the fact there’s choice in how to tackle missions, instantly make Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 an interesting prospect when it launches in April. The gameplay is solid and with a bit of tweaking of the graphics settings it does look rather nice to boot – on PC at least and once it’s better optimized.