Remember Me trailer white Protagonist replaces mixed race heroine

What’s going on, first Beyonce, and now Nilin from Capcom’s futuristic action game Remember Me which hits US stores tomorrow and the UK on Friday. Up until now all artwork (including the box art) has suggested that the lead character Nilin is of mixed race appearance. Having played the game, her mother is of African American appearance with a white father, so why has the live action trailer decided to present a more Caucasian looking version of the character in the most obvious of ways. You can’t blame it lighting or quick cuts, or perhaps the advertising agency for taking their own direction as surely they will have been briefed on who and what Nilin looks like. Therefore it seems unusual that the in game character’s colour has been lightened or ignored.  It’s a bit of a shame when this happens, although is this purely from a marketing perspective that a white female lead was more suitable for this particular video as long as she sported the outfit and a coloured wig which suited the look of the game’s character? Take a look at the images from the game and then the trailer and decide.

Nilin as seen in game:

remember me nillin


Nilin as seen in the trailer:

nilinwmplayer 2013-06-03 17-18-29-07

nilinwmplayer 2013-06-03 17-18-50-07

nilinwmplayer 2013-06-03 17-19-04-55

You can view the full live action trailer here:


Written by: Rob Cram

Rob Cram has hundreds of video game reviews, thousands of articles under his belt with years of experience in gaming and tech. He aims to remain fair and free from publisher/developer influence. With his extensive knowledge, feels his gaming opinions are valid and worth sharing. Agreement with his views are entirely optional. He might have a bias towards cyberpunk.