Rayman Legends video review

Rayman Legends releases later this week, but after poor sales of the previous game Origins, and a shift from Wii U exclusive to other platforms, is the game worth shouting about, and is Rayman back on track for being one of the most likable silent gaming characters. Take a look at our Rayman Legends video review for the full lowdown on Ubisoft’s platforming adventure.

Without beating around the bush, the game’s structure is pretty simple. Meaning younger gamers drawn in by its colourful looks and inoffensive audio, can pick up a controller and dive right  in. Rayman is tasked with rescuing Teensies across each level and earning bronze, silver or gold cups for the effort. Upon entering the game, players are presented with a gallery of paintings, and it’s here where Rayman can unlock new levels and interact with the many features. It’s basically an interactive menu and does wonders for turning something mundane into a work of art…literally. Aside from entering levels and testing one’s gaming prowess, the gallery allows players the choice of using new characters such as Barbara the Warrior and various other characters which can be unlocked though rescue stages and general progression. There’s also a ton of extra challenges (for those connected online) to explore, which offer neat comparisons with the rest of the gaming community. In fact, there’s even an awesomeness level associated to the player which acts as an indication of how well the game is being played.

The levels themselves are themed on various popular styles, but what comes across as the most compelling, is the sheer amount of diversity stitched within the simple process of pressing one button to either jump or attack and another button to interact with the environment using your helper.  In the earlier levels, progression feels natural, but as the challenge rises, there’s some tough times ahead which require, replay after replay to get right. And with the length of each level being just the right length, provides plenty of one more go moments.

Graphically, Rayman Legends looks and feels like a 2D animated movie with its side on action most of the way and cute and well crafted cast of characters. The depth of colours and the diversity of the levels keeps the game entertaining. One moment you’re blissfully swimming in the blue sea, and the next avoiding search lights in underwater caverns. Offering some definitive contrasting moments that suggest a lot of effort was placed in keeping the look constantly evolving throughout the game.

Audio is also an impacting feature that’s interwoven into the gameplay, where on some levels, there’s an almost Guitar Hero inspired approach to moving from start to finish whilst being chased by fire or the ground simply falling away. The soundtrack offers a heady mix of uptempo flavours and well crafted sonatas to provide an excellent assault on the ears, that in its own right jigs along with or complements the gameplay perfectly.

Rayman Legends constant rewards players with unlockables , almost mimicking popular free to play models where every action has an unlockable tied to it. Rewarding the player is good, and in this case is well fitting with the structure of the story.

For players looking to up the ante a little, aside from taking part in daily or weekly challenges for rewards, they can team up locally with three friends and tackle head on what the game throws at them. Even partaking in a Rayman style football mini game.

Simply put, there’s a lot to do in this game providing many hours of solid entertainment, even if one isn’t looking to 100 per cent every level, including the bonus levels from Rayman Origins, unlock all the items and best  the challenge content.

Rayman Legends is a fun filled charming game that will suit gamers of most ages. Whilst some of the more difficult elements to strive for will require expert hands, the majority of the game is quite accessible and offers a robust and thrilling ride where difficulty becomes immaterial unless you’re looking for it.

Offering colourful vibrant and often wacky worlds, lots of variety,  a rather cool soundtrack, and practically flawless gameplay, and you have a killer game on your hands. Whether you’re a fan of Rayman, or even platformers in general, then Rayman Legends is an essential purchase that offers great value all round. And if you’re not, then dipping ones toes in yo test the waters is likely to leave you pleasantly surprised.

Score 9/10 – Review by Robert Cram

Written by: Rob Cram

Rob Cram has hundreds of video game reviews, thousands of articles under his belt with years of experience in gaming and tech. He aims to remain fair and free from publisher/developer influence. With his extensive knowledge, feels his gaming opinions are valid and worth sharing. Agreement with his views are entirely optional. He might have a bias towards cyberpunk.