Square Enix Montreal brings the once mobile and Windows Store Hitman GO to Steam, PS4 and PS Vita with their Hitman GO Definitive Edition which offers a turn based puzzled like flavour to Agent 47’s antics. There’s a slew of familiarity with this game although in terms of action you’ll be relegated to automated movements. This is a spin-off game if ever there was one and if you’re a cool and calculated killer then you’ll find the diorama based approach right up your alley.
In a nutshell you begin the game with easy pickings to learn the ropes. Take turns moving across highlighted points on each stage and avoid the patrolling guards…simple. Except as you complete each stage they become progressively more challenging throwing extra elements into play such as lures, disguises and even weapons. It’s nothing a bit of trial and error won’t beat if you’re not keen on planning ahead moves like you would a game of chess. To mix things up a little and to add some replay there are optional objectives aside from the main goal of reaching the exit undisturbed. You’ll be challenged to pick up a briefcase off the beaten path, kill everyone or on the flip side adopt a passive approach and avoid conflict entirely. These optional extras go towards gaining more points which will ultimately unlock more of the stages.
As a puzzle game, Hitman GO is satisfying, relaxing and easy to pick up and play with its chilled out soundtrack and spot sound effects. There’s little cause for frustration and although it’s easy to fail stages numerous times, the correct path isn’t too hard to work out once it clicks. The game certainly hooks you in and provides a one more go factor especially as a quick reset option is available at any time making for speedy transitions which is excellent. As you move through the stages the complexity increases making for some great Hitman themed moments from the games. The Definitive Edition also features two levels that are themed directly from Hitman Blood Money “Curtains Down” mission and Hitman 2: Silent Assassin “St. Petersburg Stakeout” although the quality of each level is of a high standard and just feel right anyway.
In terms of visuals the transition to the bigger screen offers much more clarity although the models have their own distinct artistic style which lacks detail deliberately to fit the model theme. It works and comes as a charming game despite the simplicity. In 4K on PC the visuals really shine, but in fairness is not a necessity. There’s really not a lot to fault in the graphics department although the game is very inoffensive to cater to a wider audience , as in there’s no blood or gruesome scenes.
As mentioned, the audio is chilled and well suited to listening to for prologued periods. It fits the style of game perfectly and we even get the beautiful Franz Schubert “Ellens dritter Gesang” aria from the main games when facing boss targets to take down which is a neat touch.
For replay value the game is going to last you quite a few hours depending on your skill level and although there are only 7 main level themes it will take quite some time to complete all the objectives across the stages. So for the $8 asking price it’s definitely worth it.
Hitman GO made its mark on mobile devices and is well suited for play on consoles and now Steam. It’s very much a dip in and out game based on its roots but that said, the transition works well using a controller or keyboard mouse. If you’re a fan of the Agent 47 character or well versed with the numerous Hitman games then this is a welcome off-shoot that’s got plenty of charm and most importantly is cheap to purchase and fun to play.
Score – 9/10