Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z Genki powers announced

Namco Bandai Games released a load of new screenshots and some more game info for their forthcoming fighter, Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z which releases on PS3 and Xbox 360 later this year. Today Namco outline the new Genki meter which when filled, allows for special combos and attacks.

About Genki:

DBZ gamers will have to complete certain conditions to achieve a ‘SPECIAL BONUS’ that will trigger the ‘GENKI Request’ at the end of the missions. This new feature will allow DBZ challengers from all over the world to gather and share ‘GENKI’ together. A world-meter counting the ‘WORLD GENKI’ will allow players to follow-up with their combined efforts!


Completing missions provides two kinds of rewards; on one hand, we have ‘Dragon Ball Points’ (DP) that can be used to buy items from the Item Collection Store.  On the other hand, completing missions with their ‘Special Bonus’ events allows fans to send more ‘GENKI’ and earn ‘Premium Points’ (PP) in exchange of this ‘GENKI’. With PP, players can buy unique items such as the ‘Limit Jewel’ and much more from the Premium Collection Store!  When equipped with the very rare and unique ‘Limit Jewel’, some brawlers will perform an ‘Ultimate Move’ (Such as Goku with his Spirit Bomb). With all these exclusive items, gamers can equip their favourite DBZ characters to enhance their performances!

Written by: Rob Cram

Rob Cram has hundreds of video game reviews, thousands of articles under his belt with years of experience in gaming and tech. He aims to remain fair and free from publisher/developer influence. With his extensive knowledge, feels his gaming opinions are valid and worth sharing. Agreement with his views are entirely optional. He might have a bias towards cyberpunk.