There seems to be a sentiment among some sections of the gaming community that the upgrade to Xbox One or PS4 from last gen systems is not that big a deal where the games don’t look that much different. Whilst it might be true there’s discernible differences between next gen versions of games on PS4 and Xbox One, there is a noticeable gap between the last gen and current gen versions. Take a look at the Destiny Graphics comparison video which highlights some of those differences. Naturally youtube compression will take away some of the shine from the PS4 version, but there’s still noticeable differences when viewing the video in 1080p. It’s also likely that there won’t be any differences between the Beta and the final release in terms of overall looks as Bungie are probably testing the game running during the Beta using finalized assets. Either way, whether you own an Xbox 360, PS3 or next gen system, the game is looking and playing very well and should be fascinating to play regardless of the system. That said, if you want the better visual experience, then it’s a no brainer which version gamers should opt for.