Bound By Flame story trailer

Focus Home Interactive and developer Spiders released a new story trailer for their forthcoming action RPG Bound By Flame. The game is heading to PC, PS4, PS3 and Xbox 360 in early 2014. For more details about the game, head on over to the official website.

About Bound By Flame:

Bound by Flame lets you play a mercenary possessed by a flame demon. As a victim of this demonic influence, players will have to choose between the powers offered by their host, or to keep their humanity, developing heroic talents instead. Dangers and enemies, becoming more terrifying and fearsome in battle, will be temptations to acquire more power by giving up part of the hero’s soul to the demon. Progression of the demonic influence will be reflected by the transformation of the hero’s body.

Depending on the choices made by the player and the influence of the demon, some chapters will offer different scenarios and a different experience, adding important replayability to the game. Real-time battles are impressive and dynamic. If the player begins the game knowing only the basics of combat, fire magic and assassination, he will be able to specialize by unlocking and improving many skills and powers through 3 different skill trees.

Bound by Flame lets the players customize their character. During the creation of their hero, players will be able to choose their gender and facial characteristics. This will of course have an influence on the demon’s appearance. Bound by Flame also includes a crafting system, allowing players to create and improve equipment, including their armor and weapons. Several companions will join the player during his quest, and will, depending on the player’s actions, develop friendship, romance or rivalry.

Finally, the bestiary of Bound by Flame is rich and spectacular. Players will get to fight many impressive creatures: shadow dragons, liches, undead, ice creatures… epic confrontations abound. Which path will the players take? Will they lust after the demon’s power and magic to annihilate their foes, or will they favor their combat skills and their bravery?

Written by: Rob Cram

Rob Cram has hundreds of video game reviews, thousands of articles under his belt with years of experience in gaming and tech. He aims to remain fair and free from publisher/developer influence. With his extensive knowledge, feels his gaming opinions are valid and worth sharing. Agreement with his views are entirely optional. He might have a bias towards cyberpunk.