Vampyr First Screenshots‏

Dontnod released a selection of new screenshots from their upcoming role playing game Vampyr. The game is looking dark and moody as you would expect and is set in London in 1918. Take a look at the official website for more details. About Vampyr: Vampyr, the new RPG from acclaimed

Remember Me ending sequence

In case you’re wanting to relive the last moments of the game all over again, or just looking to see what happens in the end, then take a look at this Remember Me ending sequence video which obviously contains spoilers and is optional to watch. The ending uses CGI rather

Remember Me puzzle solutions

Remember Me isn’t the most taxing game when it comes to puzzles, but some might leave you scratching your head for a while. Take a look at these Remember Me puzzle solutions videos so you don’t have to get frustrated if you just can’t figure them out!    

Remember Me Kid Xmas Boss Battle

Capcom’s Remember Me isn’t just about marveling at the sights of Neo Paris, or clambering about buildings, there’s some neat combat thrown in as well which uses its unique Pressen combo system. Aside from numerous armed and unarmed nasties, lead character Nillin also has to take down various boss characters

Remember Me hints at sex with robots (video)

Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner has a lot to answer for in terms of its influence over science fiction writers in video games, what with its suggestive themes and sexualized content involving robots (replicants) of a future society. Although in Scott’s vision the replicants are banned and hunted by Harrison Ford’s