Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Map – All Collectibles

Here’s a video which shows off the fully explorable open map of Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon with all the collectibles displayed. Whilst the main game takes arund 4-5 hours to complete, gathering all the other bits is likely to take much longer. There seems to be some misinformation out

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon’s retro scene

Whilst the original Far Cry 3 went with a ceremonious sexual scene, the utterly crazy Blood Dragon has opted for something more traditional. Take a look at the video in all its old school glory. Some viewers might be offended at the poor quality graphics. The video does highlight the

Minecraft gets disc version next month

Gamers looking to get involved with the gaming phenomenon that is Minecraft will be able to do next month as the game becomes available on disc for the first time. Exclusively on Xbox from the 28th June, the game will be available at retail stores and will include a 48